90.00 (z DDV)

Sorbus thur. fastigiata, commonly referred to as the Fastigiate Mountain Ash, is a deciduous tree known for its distinctive columnar or upright growth form. Its pinnate leaves are dark green and serrated, turning vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow in the autumn. In late spring to early summer, it produces clusters of white flowers, followed by small orange-red berries in the fall, which are a food source for birds. This tree is highly appreciated for its compact, space-saving form, making it a favored choice for urban landscapes and gardens with limited space.

  • Višina 250-300cm
  • Debelina stebla 10-12cm
  • Premer lonca 20cm

    Varen nakup, dostava povsod po Sloveniji

    • Plačilo po povzetju, predračunu, ali s kreditno kartico.
    • 100% jamstvo, ki velja dve leti od nakupa cipres.
    • Možno plačilo na obroke – po predhodnem dogovoru.